How to Make Personalized Jewelry
Personalized jewelry is a fantastic way to make you jewelry pieces truly special for yourself. It is one thing to be able to copy a pattern and make the jewelry at your house, but it is far more satisfying to be able to add a personal and unique touch to your DIY jewelry piece. This guide on How to Make Personalized Jewelry, will teach you tons of small tips and tricks you can use to add that extra special touch to your jewelry pieces.
Whether it is just the color of your pattern or the gemstone used, you can make everything your own. Stamped jewelry is an excellent way to start adding more personal touches to your handmade jewelry projects. Putting your own special touch in your homemade jewelry projects make them more personal every time you put them on; or, if you give your jewelry projects as a gift it can make it extra special from you. No matter the reason you want to make your jewelry more personal, here are some great ideas to get you started!
Add Some Initials
Adding your name or your initials to a DIY jewelry project can really make a difference. You can try this out by either doing a metal stamping technique or a stamping into some wood. You can also easily add your initials into a clay jewelry piece that you are working on as well. This technique works fantastically for adding either your full name, initials, or even a small quote. The possibilites are endless!
Be sure to take a peak at this awesome video to see how you can make metal stamped jewelry projects!
Pick Your Favorite Color
Whether you like wearing colorful jewelry or sticking to a specific color, changing up the color pattern in a DIY jewelry piece is a super easy way to personalize your jewelry. You can pick your favorite color and run with that, so that every time you put on your new bracelet, necklace, or earrings it will be exactly the way you want. After all, who doesn't love their favorite color in their favorite jewelry piece?

Add Your Birthstone
If you think adding your name is a bit too much, or you don't want all your jewelry to be in your favorite color, you can always incorporate your birthstone into your next DIY jewelry project. Birthstone jewelry is a subtle personal touch to jewelry. This can really make this fantastically personal by switching out some pearls with opals, or sapphires with diamonds, becasue it makes it special to you.

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