Totem Pole Friendship Bracelet Pattern
This unique Totem Pole Friendship Bracelet Pattern looks complicated, but it's easy to make. Follow these macrame instructions to create diamond-shaped gaps that look like little stars. Everyone will be impressed you made it yourself!
Project TypeMake a Project
Time to CompleteUnder an hour
Bead Project TypeBracelet
- Before you begin making your friendship bracelet, you should know how to make a Right Hand Double Knot and Left Hand Double Knot. You can see these instructions at
- These instructions teach you how to complete the pattern using My Friendship Bracelet Maker. However, the pattern can be completed without the loom as well.
Pick 4 different color threads for this pattern. (The example uses dark purple, orange, green & light blue).
Align string, fold in half, and tie knot ½ inch from fold forming a loop.
Attach your ½ inch loop to MYFBM under the butterfly clip.
Separate strings by placing one string per slot. Note: Use the same color in slots 2 & 9 (dark purple), 3 & 8 (orange), 4 & 7 (green)* and 5 & 6 (light blue). This will align the colors of your bracelet pattern. *If you choose to use other colors than those listed above, whatever color you choose to put in slots 4 & 7 will not be one of your main open diamond shapes.
To start, you will need to make 4 single Arrows (see Arrow Pattern for instructions). One with each of your 4 colors in order (dark purple, orange, green & light blue).
Now make an Arrow with string #2 (dark purple). This will be the start of your open diamond shape in your Totem Pole pattern.
Next you will use string #2 (orange) and make 2 right hand double knots. One each, on string #3 (green) and one on string #4 (light blue). String #2 (orange) will now be in slot 4.
With your new string #2 (green) make a right hand double knot with string #3 (light blue). String #2 (green) should now be in slot 3.
Take string #4 (orange) and make 2 left hand double knots. One each, on string #3 (green) and one on string #2 (light blue). String #4 (orange) should now be in slot 2.
With string #5 (dark purple) make 3 left hand double knots. One each, on string #4 (green), string #3 (light blue) and string #2 (orange). String #5 (dark purple) should now be in slot 2.
Now take string #9 (orange) and make 2 left hand double knots. One each, on string #8 (green) and one on string #7 (light blue). String #9 (orange) should now be in slot 7.
With your new #9 (green) make a left hand double knot with string #8 (light blue). String #9 (green) should now be in slot 8.
Next take string #7 (orange) and make 2 right hand double knots. One each, on string #8 (green) and one on string #9 (light blue). String #8 (orange) should now be in slot 9.
Take strand #6 (dark purple) and make 3 right hand double knots. One each, on string #7 (green), string #8 (light blue) and string #9(orange). String #6 (dark purple) will now be in slot 9.
Now we will close the opening in the center of your bracelet. You will want to make the next knots a bit loose to keep the open diamond shape of your Totem Pole. Take string #2 (dark purple) and make 3 right hand double knots. One each, on string #3 (orange), string #4 (light blue) & string #5 (green). Place your dark purple string into slot 5.
Next you will take string #9 (dark purple) and make 3 left hand double knots. One each, on string #8 (orange), string #7 (light blue) & string #6 (green). Place your dark purple string in slot 6.
Now take strings #5 & #6 (both dark purple) and join them in the center with a right hand double knot. You now should have a complete open diamond shape.
Now make an Arrow with string #2 (orange) to start your next open diamond shape in your Totem Pole pattern.
Next you will use string #2 (light blue) and make 2 right hand double knots. One each, on string #3 (green) and one on string #4 (dark purple). String #2 (light blue) will now be in slot 4.
With your new string #2 (green) make a right hand double knot with string #3 (dark purple). String #2 (green) should now be in slot 3.
Take string #4 (light blue) and make 2 left hand double knots. One each, on string #3 (green) and one on string #2 (dark purple). String #4 (light blue) should now be in slot 2.
With string #5 (orange) make 3 left hand double knots. One each, on strings #4 (green), string #3 (dark purple) and string #2 (light blue). String #5 (orange) should now be in slot 2.
Now take string #9 (light blue) and make 2 left hand double knots. One each, on string #8 (green) and one on string #7 (dark purple). String #9 (light blue) should now be in slot 7.
With your new #9 (green) make a left hand double knot with string #8 (dark purple). String #9 (green) should now be in slot 8.
Next take string #7 (light blue) and make 2 right hand double knots. One each, on string #8 (green) and one on string #9 (dark purple). String #8 (light blue) should now be in slot 9.
Take strand #6 (orange) and make 3 right hand double knots. One each, on string #7 (green), string #8 (dark purple) and string #9(light blue). String #6 (orange) will now be in slot 9.
Now we will close the opening in the center of your bracelet. Remember to make the next knots a bit loose to keep the open diamond shape of your Totem Pole. Take string #2 (orange) and make 3 right hand double knots. One each, on strings #3 (light blue), #4 (dark purple) & #5 (green). Place your orange string into slot 5.
Next you will take string #9 (orange) and make 3 left hand double knots. One each, on string #8 (light blue), string #7 (dark purple) & string #6 (green). Place your orange string in slot 6.
Now take strings #5 & #6 (both orange) and join them in the center with a right hand double knot. Another open diamond shape should be complete.
Now make an Arrow with string #2 (light blue). This will be the start of your open diamond shape in your Totem Pole pattern.
Next you will use string #2 (dark purple) and make 2 right hand double knots. One each, on string #3 (green) and one on string #4 (orange). String #2 (dark purple) will now be in slot 4.
With your new string #2 (green) make a right hand double knot with string #3 (orange). String #2 (green) should now be in slot 3.
Take string #4 (dark purple) and make 2 left hand double knots. One each, on string #3 (green) and one on string #2 (orange). String #4 (dark purple) should now be in slot 2.
With string #5 (light blue) make 3 left hand double knots. One each, on strings #4 (green), string #3 (orange) and string #2 (dark purple). String #5 (light blue) should now be in slot 2.
Now take string #9 (dark purple) and make 2 left hand double knots. One each, on string #8 (green) and one on string #7 (orange). String #9 (dark purple) should now be in slot 7.
With your new #9 (green) make a left hand double knot with string #8 (orange). String #9 (green) should now be in slot 8.
Next take string #7 (dark purple) and make 2 right hand double knots. One each, on string #8 (green) and one on string #9 (orange). String #8 (dark purple) should now be in slot 9.
Take strand #6 (light blue) and make 3 right hand double knots. One each, on string #7 (green), string #8 (orange) and string #9(dark purple). String #6 (light blue) will now be in slot 9.
Now we will close the opening in the center of your bracelet. Again, remember to make the next knots a bit loose to keep the open diamond shape of your Totem Pole. Take string #2 (light blue) and make 3 right hand double knots. One each, on string #3 (dark purple), string #4 (orange) & string #5 (green). Place your light blue string into slot 5.
Next you will take string #9 (light blue) and make 3 left hand double knots. One each, on string . #8 (dark purple), string #7 (orange) & string #6 (green). Place your light blue string in slot 6.
Now take strings #5 & #6 (both light blue) and join them in the center with a right hand double knot. Another open diamond shape should be complete.
Repeat steps 6 through 41 to continue your pattern. The open diamonds will alternate dark purple, orange and light blue over and over until you have made enough of them for the bracelet to fit your wrist. Remember you can stop your pattern after any color open diamond shape is complete.
Once you bracelet is long enough to fit your wrist you can make a few arrows at the end of your bracelet just like you did in the beginning. Then hold two strings from slots 2 – 4 with your left hand and two from slots 7 – 9 with your right hand. Braid the strings from your left hand and right hand with the remaining two center strings.
Take the braided strings and tie two basic knots at the end of your friendship bracelet. (Learn how to finish your friendship bracelet with knots or beads by visiting
- Unclip your friendship bracelet from the butterfly clip and cut off the excess braided section. Your bracelet is ready to wear or share!
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